[H] Looking for a PvP guild that runs regular RBGs

So I been playing on ED for probably 6 years now. Really getting back into it this xpac and I’m trying to take the plunge back into PvP (which I haven’t seriously done since MoP).

It’s been a nightmare trying to get my guild to do any sort of PvP content, and since I’m not interested in raiding, I think it’s time to make a move.

Basically looking for a PvP guild that runs RGBs/arenas and occasional M+ content for gearing.

My bnet tag is Ragana#1555

Edit: you can also add me on discord at Ragana#9166


It’s a small, social guild :confused:

I’m just looking for one that actually runs RBGs every week.

If your not getting bites here, hit up the emerald dream discord, might be able to network with others.

I will do that as so far, no luck :confused:

Do you happen to have the latest link? I searched around for it and I’m seeing different servers.

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RP server, we don’t pvp here…Moonguard is where is at!

Got jokes.

I am expanding our roster and getting more into pvp for the guild…we have a bit of everything…check us out!