[H] Lock LF solid TBC Guild

I have been on a break for a few months from Classic and want to come back strong to compete on my Warlock. I’m a player who always tries to improve and min max. If interested, contact me on Disc or real ID.

Logs: [Thebigdog - Skeram - Warcraft Logs]
Schedule: Anywhere around 8pm-2am EST

Disc: Bigdog#2111
Real ID: Bigdog#12674

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Check us out see if we’re a fit.

Added you in discord to message. Here’s some more information if you’re interested. Feel free to join our discord at https:// discord.gg /msnV9gMV

Guild: Downfall {US | Horde | PvP | Sulfuras | EST}

Raid Info: Friday & Saturday Nights - 9:00pm - 12:00am EST | Blind-Bid DKP

Information: Our goal is to be a relaxed raiding guild with the intention of providing a fun, engaging atmosphere that competitively kills bosses as a team, while having fun grouping up for dungeons, raids and PvP. We’re looking for likeminded players, who are committed to seeing endgame without the drudgery and time-consuming methods employed by hardcore guilds.

Our leadership consists of extremely experienced Vanilla veterans including World Top 10 for TBC raids, cutting-edge mythic raiders, and former multi-season gladiators.