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Still looking for some peoples!

Hey! I’m currently looking for a mythic raiding guild. I’m 12/12H. I mainly play havoc or ret!

Hey. Boomkin you kicked after asking me to transfer. Hope you guys are doing well. Based on logs, those purple parses ain’t looking to bright. Green/grays are the opposite of you preach. Best wishes -Byrntroll

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Yikes. Innocent raider that didn’t die to mechanics being called salty when he was kicked for the reason of another raider calling you guys out on your expectations? Gtone, you called for purple parses yet you have grey parses on your recent attempts. Please look in the mirror guys before you judge.

For those looking to join this guild, they are a pretty cool group of people but as a warning, you are not allowed to call people out for the things you get called out for. For example, a near 480 warrior doing less dps than a 450 dps deserves to be called out.

Gtone, what are you even talking about? Where did you even get the idea that I thought your guild wasnt the right fit? I literally told you I want to sit out on raid for the week to figure out what was going on with Ohbe. Also, you guys were reluctant to call out people consistently dying to the same mechanics and instead trying to put the blame on something else.

You also told Ohbe that corruption doesn’t matter because you almost out dps’d a person with similar gear to you but he had corruption and you didn’t. Doesn’t this seem a little unintelligent to you? A mechanic which literally increases dps is being shut down by you, the guild lead, as something that doesn’t increase dps. Are you okay? I hope those mages pulling grey parses on your progression are doing great for you.

You literally made me spend money to transfer to your guild as a recruit. Then a few weeks later you phantom kick me even though I expressed that I wanted to stay but sit out a week. Ohbe was the best mage you will ever raid with and because you guys had a fall out for him calling people out for dying to stupid stuff, you decide to kick me? I know 25$ isn’t a whole lot but that’s not a cool gesture.

And also, don’t act all “forum gentlewoman” on me. Don’t act fake. Act like the real you. The person who facebook stalks people in random mythic+ and then messages them explicit comments about their appearances.
