[H] LF guild or community

Me and my friend are currently looking for a mature guild or community to do Mythic+ and raiding with. We both have past experience in mythic raiding but times changes and we both work and have random schedules so looking for a group of people that are flexible to run heroic and Mythic+ content with or a big community that does multiple runs a week that we can join. We also have experience in PvP arena and RBGs just really looking for a home that we can fit into.

I am a ilvl 380 Prot warrior and they are a Ilvl 377 Resto druid. If you feel like we would be a fit please leave a message or DM on Bnet or discord.

Bnet: WillAdelphia#1880
Disc: Wyldren#0782

Hey guys! Check us out, were real big on M+ and would definitely like to have another prot war and resto druid to run keys with. As for raiding we have a reclear for guildies and alts Wednesday nights could use a tank and healer!