[H] late night raiding guild on area-52 11/12M Recruiting for SL

in b4 fresh reclear this week!

Hello. I am an ele/resto shaman with a MW monk alt. My main (on Sto-alliance :stuck_out_tongue: ) is also ele/resto and has acheived CE. I come with a friend who is Guardian druid (open to playing feral or resto) with a rogue alt. He is 10/12M on his main. We come as a unit and are interested in learning more about you. I have added tubesock to Bnet.

progression on vex tonight!

vex goes down!!

doing drest and then progression on ilgynoth tonight!

3rd boss almost down on ilgynoth. wheres the ranged dps at?

5% wipe on ilgynoth :frowning:

ilgynoth goes down!!

LF healer for progression! immediate opening!

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Carapace dies tonight. come join the fun

down goes carapace!!

join us for shadowlands!

we are still recruiting for shadowlands!

I am interested. My btag = Sky#17218 Discord = Skybolt#2791 Would love to have a voice chat with someone via discord. Sent a btag requests to all 3. I main Prot Paladin and BM/MM Hunter. I would bring at least 1 dps (Rogue) with me and possibly even a few more dps.