[H] [Kurinnaxx] Hellscreams Soldiers | 14/15 Naxx | 3 Raid Teams | T&Th or Sun&Mon

Adding Rogues

Still recruiting for progression.

Bumping for the coolest guild

Stilll recruiting. Big progression weeks coming up

Inserting Hype for Naxx Progression

New Years Vibes

Couple of the raid groups can take mini parties of players depending on the situation. Hit me up

Our raid is killing it in Naxx, super fun group of late night raiders, positive vibes. Feel free to message Baelric#4898

2 teams have now reached 10+ Big progression week here

Were you all still looking for hunters?

We sure are!

Recruiting for all 3 still. Mini group pairings available for 2 of the 3 raids

Still recruiting. Snagged our 12/15 - final push!

Late night got 4h and Saph down 1 week from each other

Hey guys Iā€™m coming in new to classic and I see your late night guild is a schedule Iā€™m looking for. Are you guys recruiting still and if so will you take in a rogue until the paladins get here?