[H] Iron Knights 1/9M BoD 2/2 CoS LF DPS

Who’s ready to wreck some bosses?

Looking to lay these hands on some ranged DPS.

I’d like to lay my hands on a BM Hunter or Elemental Shaman.

Let’s go ranged dps!

Mooooooooooore ranged

always iso ranged more locks? lol

Elemental Shamans!

Absolutely the best people to raid with.

Only those who love ranch may join!

Good morning. Today is a good day to join the Iron Knights!

biscuits and gravy reallyyyy hit the spot this morning!

I’m just here for the free fish food and mage buns!

My mage buns are made with love.

Your mage buns are tainted. I’ll take QT’s instead, thanks. If he’s unavailable, Selebrity is there with his Bun Factory on the ready!
I will take your pots though. Tainted or not, I need mah mana fix.

My buns bring all the boys to the yard.

Bring on that melee! That sweet DH magic 5% thing!

I’d love another DH. Maybe even a Ret Paladin, Rogue, or Frost / UH Death Knight.

wtb people <3

Where are all the rogues and demon hunters? They were everywhere last expansion!

rogues are hitters too