[H] Inverse Logic - Lfm for awakened 6/9m Amir

Need a lock and mage

Still looking for more

Still looking

Looking for a rogue

Hello. Returning player (Prot WAR main) looking for a not-casual but not super-serious heroic/mythic prog guild that also has strong socialization. My goal this expac was to master the tank role in mythic+ and possibly in raids as well. I could play an off-spec dps, but currently i am not equipped for such a role (weapon). Your EST time is beneficial for me as a east coast player so that i do not end up staying up waaay past my bed time for work the next morning (7-8am EST). I have previous AoTC experience from Legion, BFA, and SL, and mythic experience from BFA and SL (all as dps, not tank). I have heroic level tank experience from Legion so its not as if ive never done it before, its just been a while. I am open to learning and can take constructive criticism, as long as it is not demeaning or negative in nature (insulting). I currently do not have experience in the current tier raid other than first 3 bosses in LFR (my ilvl from mythic+ would not benefit from LFR and thus i do not pursue gear that is no longer going to provide benefits for my ilvl progression). I miss the old days of raiding with my guild on the Dalaran server during Legion and BFA, where the guild was quite tight-knit and pursued gear and knowledge together as a whole, rather than individuals (people still geared up solo, but it was in the interest of the whole/raid).
To put it simply (TL:DR) i am looking for a community that focuses on gearing and socialization between members, rather than grinding continuous hours for gear and punishes members for not achieving that gear. Im looking for a community to grow with, rather than feel slaved to. I hope this guild is what im looking for.


Still on the lookout

bumping for some flex heal/dps

bumping for healers

Bump for prog and a lock

Bump looking for a few more

prog update bump

Prog updated along with class need update

bump, need a healer

Need healers still

Need a healer

Looking for more for s4 and going into WW