[H] Inverse Logic - Lfm for awakened 6/9m Amir

Raid break til 9.1. Looking for people that would like to come back and raid then

Looking for more for 9.1

Still looking for more

Still looking for a tank

bump for 9.1

Bumping again

Weekend bump

bumping for 9.1 tomorrow

Still looking for some dps

Weekend bumping

Could use a hunter or spriest

Need a mage

Still in need of a hunter? I went 4/10m last tier looking for a raiding guild 225 mm/BM also am 4/10h for the current raid

Bump! Still looking for a couple peeps. Need a monk, mage, and hunter!

Got room for some good dps on the roster! Shoot me a message if interested! :slight_smile:

Got room for a lock and some good dps!

Still looking

Just recently transferred to Thrall : 9/10 Norm SOD : 1670+ M+ io, Demo / Destr lock ( 2k io S1 and 10/10H CN )

I have a boomkin / mage friend transferring as well
Our previous group just recently disbanded so we’re on the lookout for a solid progression guild that isn’t too toxic.

Need a warrior

Still looking for more