[H-Illidan]<Crippled Fight Club> 11/12M, TU&TH 6:30-9:30 PM PST LF RDPS

Something something

Rise and shine campers…although it’s not cold out there

Time for my morning constitutional

Avast, me hearties

Up once more

The sun is shining

Battle tag: Malifrit#1593

Looking to switch servers on my two mains (Daevos/Malifrita 477+ w/ multiple specs) due to no guilds running Mythic on Uther. 12/12H 4/12M XP. Know most of the fights w/ weakaura addons.

Arise, o legions of the dead

Carapace down, onto the fun stuff

Here we go again

Weekend is here

Its off to play I go

Onwards and upwards

I was here at 3:47 PM on a weekend.

Here again at 8:12 AM on a Monday.

It is now 8:48 AM on June 30, 2020.

It is now 7:42 AM on July 1, 2020.

It is now 7:22 AM on July 2, 2020.

Good morning to all

It is now 8:00 AM on Saturday, July 4.