[H - Illidan - US] 3/10 M - BE Mistweaver - LF Guild

Hello, and thank you for your interest in me! I recently transferred to Illidan and I am in search of a new home. I’m just looking to push keys, have fun, and raid mythic each week. I am readily available Monday-Friday and my schedule is pretty open. I’d love to chat with you. I can be reached on Discord at: Seryna#2091.


Hi Seryna! I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look and let us know. Happy to chat more!

Hello there Seryna, (Reelevated) is an Horde guild located on Illidan and is currently recruiting to fill up our last few slots on our Mythic Roster. We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6-9 PST and are 10/10H and 7/10M in Castle Nathria. We are looking for solid raiders that can not only commit to our raid times, but show up to raids having watched progression content videos and showing up to raids with full consumables. We currently need an unholy DK, boomy, ret pal, multi spec lock, and an off tank pref dh/monk, but if you are exceptionally good at your class and have logs you can send me we will consider you as well. If you would like to be considered as an additional member to our raid team please contact me via BattleNet or Discord.

Battle Net: Arcaneqt#1640

Discord: Arcaneqt#0836

Hello :slight_smile:
We are a small guild at the moment but we have started mythics and want to bolster our numbers so that we can get out of of LFR. We are usually on anywhere from 5pm PST til 2am PST, some of us hop on earlier in the day on weekends so someone’s always around :slight_smile:

We have a discord that we hang out in with dank memes and resources to help everyone out. We’re very inclusive & open minded lol. :slight_smile:

Feel free to contact me on discord CrypticKitty#1284
or on battlenet CrypticKitty#1946