[H] Illidan - Tank/DPS looking for active semi hardcore m+ and raiding guild

Hey there Anabolicboi!

[The Numpty Brigade] is a newly-formed AoTC guild on Illidan looking for more. We are headed by a couple of mythic raiders who were sick of the stress and wanted to go for a more casual/fun route.

Our raid times are Friday/Saturday 7:30-10:30PM CST. As we’ve been building up our numbers and have some players new to raiding, we’ve primarily been running normal, but in the new year have swapped to heroic, and our now 6/10H our first raid as a guild group.

In addition to raiding, we also enjoy pushing keys, with many of our members being 2k+, and a smallish group capable of doing 20s.

If you’re interested, feel free to message Ackleholic#3313 on discord or Kreg#2602 (discord)/Kreg#11527 (bnet)