[H] {Illidan} LF Mythic Raiding Guild for SL

Me and 4-5 friends are coming back to retail after a break for BFA. Most of us have previous top 50 us raiding experience in wotlk, cata, and wod. We’ve been playing on beta some and running a classic guild for the last year. We are looking for a new home where we can make friends and have a productive and fun raid experience. Looking for a 2-3 day guild mythic raiding guild. We are all willing to maintain 2 characters raid ready. Want to achieve CE each tier. Feel free to message me in game Atrocities#1201 or on discord Atrocities#6885. Thanks for taking the time either way!

Hey Atrocities :slight_smile:

I figured I would drop my link in case you’re interested, feel free to hit me up. Good luck to you and your friends on finding a great place to play for a Shadowlands!

We are currently playing in classic still so are looking for a non Tuesday night guild if possible. We all live EST. Pref raid times within (7p-11p) time slot.