[H] [ILLIDAN] <Exodus> 9/9H; 2/9M Looking for more

**<Exodus> (9/9H, 3/9M BoD) is looking for more members.

What We’re About:
Exodus is a guild with roots going back to vanilla. We’re a older crew, many of us in the 30’s-40’s in age range, but a group where most of us have known each other for over 5 years. We’ve done the hardcore thing in the past, but no longer have the time available for that commitment.

Raid Schedule:
Tuesday 8-11pm and Thursday 8-11pm EST
Friday 8-11pm (optional; for normal clean up, alts/friends/socials)
We also have people on just about every night doing M+

What We’re Looking For:
Mature peeps who respect each others time, know that our careers and families come first, but also like to put in the effort to knock out harder content in the game.

You can contact us at any one of the following:

Contact Info: