[H] [Illidan] 248 UHDK LF H/M Guild 9.2


Coming back after 7 month break and would like to join a guild immediately for Heroic and Mythic starting second week of 9.2 release. Can raid any day. Prefer to raid evenings, anytime. My Time Zone is PST.

If you’re willing to switch to alliance, I’d love to chat. We are still looking for a couple more dps for H/M progression. We raid Tuesdays and Sundays 8-11 EST.

[A] < Coup de Grâce> Recruiting for H/M progression [US – Azjol Nerub] - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Please feel free to add me for any questions about the guild or our application process at:

Discord: Keaudex#5097
Bnet: Keaudex#1808