[H] Hyjal AOTC Guild Tue/Thur 7-10 LF Healers

[H] Hyjal AOTC Guild Tue/Thur 7-10 LF Healers

Underguild - Hyjal is recruiting for our main raid team! We are an established guild (founded in 2009) with roots that run back to the original Everquest. We’re looking for several folks to fill out our raid team and perhaps dip our toes into Mythic content (should the group fill out to 20+). We’re focused on progressing through current content in a fun, teamwork based environment. No finger-pointing, voicechat screeching, world first wannabes here… just a group of fun adults, some with limited playtime, that want to slay internet dragons.

Clearing through season 4 Awakened raids in Immediate need of a healer

Our raid nights are currently Tuesday/Thursday from 7PM-10PM server (PST)

What we can offer you:
→ Fun (but focused) raid environment with a group of mature adults.
→ Reasonable patience with each person’s individual learning curve, especially with those willing to put forth the effort to improve their performance.
→ Progression at a reasonable pace with the goal being to kill content when current (AoTC achievements).
→ Attendance flexibility to allow for real life.

What we look for in our raiders:
→ Maturity with the ability to receive and act upon constructive feedback.
→ Willingness to learn basics of fights before raid night by watching/reading posted strats.
→ Responsibility to come to the raid prepared with necessary raid supplies (food, flasks, pots, etc.)

If this sounds like the group for you, please reach out to me on Bnet (Durnikk#1192) or on Discord (Durnikk#5197).

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Bumpy Bumpers

bumping bump bing


Let me know if you are interested!

Thank you

Bumping bumpers

Come play with us!

14 out of 10 raiders say we are amazingly awesome and cool. We have tamales (in a cooler)!


Please reach out if you are interested!


We are now at 15 out of 10 raiders saying we are amazingly awesome and cool!


Come have fun!

I am a returning player looking for a guild i can progress with. I have raided in the past and been playing since ‘07.

If you are still interested please add me and we can definitely see if you would like to come join us

Bump. Come join in the fun.

Let me know if you have questions!

Still open for new folks, talk to Rotarn, he is friendly most days after his caffeine.

Bump, Come have fun!


Still looking for folks! In need of a healer!

Boop snoots

Lets have some fun!

For limited time at the low low cost of Free.99 we will throw in unlimited disappointed mom voice whenever you duck up. Offer subject to restrictions.