[H] Hoversail - Multi-CE Guild Recruiting 4/10M 10/10H

Council time

Boogie Down

Dance Dance Dance!

7/10M now.

smash pillars, not pumpkins

looking for competitive applicants

8/10 now, slg time :frowning:

Generals Prog starts tonight :sweat_smile:

Slg pls die

Stone Legion is shattered, recruiting for Donny

Time to die, Donnie.

Donnie Donnie Donnie, why

Donny’s dead, starting reclears and reopening recruitment for Sanctum!

Bump. Donny is dead and recruitment is open.

Still recruiting :slight_smile:

new tier new tier new tier

looking for a DH

I am a havoc DH, but this is confusing since it is a really old post. Were you 10/10M in 9.0? Does your guild run many M+ as well as raid or just raid log?

I am interested. Sent in an app for review.

Still recruiting, our website with more info is listed.