[H] <Honor and Arms> is Recruiting! Sun/Mon 8-11 Raids [10/10 MC, 1/1 Ony]

Honor and Arms | Horde | Sunday/Monday 8-11PM Server | Casual Progression | Loot Council | 10/10 MC, 1/1 Ony

Honor and Arms is currently recruiting new members to become a part of our community. We are primarily focused on raiding 40-man content while it is current, but also just enjoy hanging out with each other. We schedule off-night activities such as dungeon runs and are looking forward to some organized PvP as well.

About us
HnA is made up primarily of 30-somethings with lives and families, with expectations and understanding that go with those responsibilities. Our core group consists of players with a mixture of experience at all levels of raiding, from Vanilla WoW to current Mythic raids.

Class/Role Needs
We won’t turn away any social member that is a good fit for our community, however we are currently looking for the following:
Mage/Warlock/Druid DPS

Sunday and Monday - 8PM-11PM - 40-Man Raids
We are clearing all current raid content on Sundays right now, however plan on going back to a 2-night schedule with the release of BWL (with optional farm raids)

Reach out to an officer for more info
Discord: crimsoncoyote#4880, bar#9868
In-game: Takhisis, Barmender, or any HNA officer


Honor and Arms is still recruiting raiders looking for a home! We are currently 9/10 and 1/1 and are continuing to strengthen our raid core.

Class/Role Needs

We are still primarily looking for DPS with immediate spots open for mages, DPS warriors, and rogues.

Out of curiousity because 2 of those names sound so familiar, is this the same HnA that was around on StormRage at the time of TBC and WotLK?

It sure is!

I played with you guys on my first characters which were obviously Horde. An Orc Hunter by the same name. I have fond memories of our journeys through ZG especially as I think we spent the most time on that raid dungeon vs all the rest.

Glad you guys are still around :slight_smile:


Are you guys still recruiting dps warriors? I have all pre raid bis, capped hit % etc. I have done 8/10 only in classic, but back in Vanilla cleared MC, BWL, ZG and AQ20.

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. It’s been busy due to holidays/travel.

I will find out how our warrior situation looks tonight, and let you know if you are still in the market for a guild.

We are currently full on Warriors.

We have openings for:
Rogue (daggers pref)
DPS druid
Shadow(weaving) priest

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I can attest for these guys!(and gals) They’re a fantastic group of humans and we have had so much fun doing MC/Ony with them. <3 A++++ would buy again. :wink:


Hey all, we are still in the process of recruiting for our raid team. Currently we are at capacity with tanks and healers but are still looking for DPS. Outside of raid we still have plenty of room for casual players that may or may not have an interest in raiding. We are interested in anybody that is socially a good fit for our guild.

If you’re interested please message me or any of our officers for more information.