[H] <Homebrew> An 8.3 Horde Reroll Guild And Community

Bump, bump bump it up!


I have updated the Roster(s) in the thread. We’re coming into our Friday launch with over 30 active founders looking very strong.

We have almost every specific role we need. I’d be happy to have another dedicated tank, one or two dedicated healers and some bomb ranged DPS like Spriest, Destro, Fire Mage or Balance druid.


Join the fun gate flood on Friday! Lots of folks ready to start this going, get in on the fun folks.

I’m eating lunch and bumping this if anyone wants to talk on discord :smiley:

2 more days until we officially begin BFA content. Great time to get in on the ground floor. Roster in the OP is reasonably recent to guide spec decisions.

The dowj is currently down 1,200! Time to play wow!

Should’ve divested in 2019, my friend.

25 hours until we officially launch!

less than 12 hours to launch! 12:00am server(EST)! come join the ranks

I would love to hear more, Kobk#11201 please add me :slight_smile:

Just got a blood DK! come one come all!

We’ve gotten a couple people up to 120 and geared up to start doing some mythic’s over the weekend since launch. Still looking for some more people who are looking to start through the expansion fresh again if you’re just coming back or starting the expac new finally! Or even just want to play an alt that isn’t as geared as your main! Looking for some DPS and another full time healer or two for raids.

We officially launched on Friday!

We are currently getting our cloak quests done, working on necklace levels, finishing up the war campaign and creeping our collective i-LvLs up. I’d estimate the average ilvl is around i380 - i410 at the moment.

We are still actively recruiting, of course, and now we’re welcoming 120 characters! We need some really strong DPS at the moment.

Join our Discord and come say hello to the group :slight_smile:

Hey folks we could use more dps and a dps flex, we got groups running M+ and we’re set for tanks and heals but need more dps! Priority would be lock/spriest/mage!

Time to take advantage of that 100% xp boost! Would some more dps! if anyone wants to dps/flexheal that would be killer!

I’m bumping this from my Mom’s basement xD

bump, bump, bump it up!!

Yes, we’re still going!. Nearly 70 members now and counting, we have cleared 11/12 Normal Nya’lotha within two weeks of hitting 120. Average guild i-lvl is in the i440s atm but we have plenty of folks still leveling and gearing. We’re running, on average, about 60 Mythic+ keys a week, and doing full-group Heroic visions.

Stop by our Discord server with any questions.

Come join us folks! We are recruiting for a raid team and accepting all M+ers 's and casuals!

Current needs!
Heals(flex would be great)>rDPS>mDPS>Tanks

Happy thursday folks we are getting into raiding and still some more to round out the team. Join now!