[H] Holy Priest looking on Area 52

Holy priest with Tank alt ( DH) looking for a new place to call home.
I come with some baggage, a Hunter, Priest and Warlock to be specific.
Don’t worry they don’t bite…
We are wanting to do H SOD, We are willing to help run Normal for alts and help out guildies with their M+ keys.
If you may have something for us hit me up

Hey! We happen to be on area 52 and it sounds like you and your “baggage” haha would be a great fit! Here’s the link to our recruitment post, if you think we might be a fit feel free to hmu on bnet: stcjosh#1309 to chat! [H] <Safehouse> Area 52 recruiting for SoD! - #2 by Schmiitty-aerie-peak

Hi Marianna,

Are you guys open to DPSing? If so, Here We Go Again might be your new permanent home! We are 10/10N, 5/10H SoD, finishing 8/10M in CN last tier. We raid Tuesday and Sunday 8-11pm EST. Super funny and laid back guild, who enjoy heroic and mythic progression.

Please feel free to reach out on discord to our RL joyner#1046 (bnet: joyner#11648) or our other officers Curves#5760 and Holypower#6874


< Maybe Next Tier > is a progression guild on Area-52, Horde. We strive to provide a friendly yet competitive environment and achieve forward progression in content, without compromising community and enjoyment of the game. Our raid spots are competitive.

Guild Management is experienced and professional.

Raid details below:

Progress: N: 10/10, H: 4/10, M: 1/10

Raid Schedule: Monday/Wednesday/Friday, 9:00PM-11:30PM (EST)

Loot Distribution: Loot Council

Recruitment needs:

Healer: Disc/Holy Priest

DPS: Mage/Lock/Spriest
Any exceptional dps will be considered.

If interested please hit us up!

Aside from raiding, we have a large gaming community in WoW, and we play other games together too.

Please add us on Battletag for more information.



Hey, if our times work well for you I’d love to chat more.

[Agreeing Loudly] Horde - Area52

Raid Times: Tues/Wed 9pm-12am EST

10/10N SoD 5/10H SoD 6/10M CN We are currently looking for a healer and RDPS for heroic/mythic progression. We are a close knit guild and are looking for players with a drive to improve and succeed.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Btag: Joepa#11231

Discord: JoePa#3094

Hey Marianna!

If you and your baggage are still looking for a home, we’d love to have you in Mythic Scrubs! We’re on Area-52 and could use plenty more people. Our goal each tier is to get AotC. We are currently 10/10 N and 3/10 H SoD and got AotC for CN back in March.

Here’s our guild recruitment for our info!

Let me know if you wanna chat more about us! Discord: Bul#3797

I sent you both an add on Bnet

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Sent you a friend request as well.

Would love to see if you guys would be a fit for my guilds. My Bnet is Broheim#11816