[H] <Hold S> Wed/Sun 5/10m recruiting dps and heals for prog

Have a few slots open, primarily for ranged dps!

Still need dps for mythic prog! Raid is tonight!

Still need dps.

Killed Inerva now 4/10m. Starting Sun King Sunday! Still need some rdps

Need a few more dps for our core! Next raid is Sunday!

Need some dps still! Starting sun king prog on Sunday!

we are still looking for a heal/dps and some dps! we also downed our 4th mythic boss! come raid with us!!

Have dps slots open come kill mythic bosses with us!

still looking for dps and a dps/ heal os! message nikaido or Rawr at Fatalfeniix#1753

Still looking for ranged dps! Raid is tomorrow.

Need a few dps for tonight for sun king prog and our core raid team!

Desperately need dks for mythic prog! Next raid us Sunday on sun king!!

Still have some dps slots open! Raid is tomorrow night!

Need dps and a healer!!

we are still recruiting dps as well as 1 healer! pref a disc priest! fatalfeniix#1753

still need deeps and heals!

still recruiting dps and healers!!!

need deeps and a healer!

progging on sun king tonight! Add us for trials!

Looking for some dps and heals!