< High Council > Friendly and respectable guild. No bullsh*t, drama, or elitists! Our goals are AotC and to push into Mythic. M+ ran daily. Raid days are Tues/Wed 730-10pm EST.
Recruitment: Currently recruiting any exceptional heroic or mythic experienced raiders!
- Heroic progression will be our main focus. We want to keep the environment friendly, respectful, and accountable.
- All raiders are responsible for maintaining adequate gear levels outside of raid through additional content such as keys and PVP. Guild groups form through the week to help achieve this requirement.
- All raiders come with knowledge of boss mechanics (e.g. Limit, FatBoss, Ready Check Pull), a reliable internet connection along with appropriate add-ons (dbm, bigwigs, weakauras, ERT, etc.) are required. The raid leader(s) will do an overview of the fight, and detail the specific strategy. Ask questions if you have them.
- We love to down internet bosses, but not at the cost of fun. Don’t ruin that for others.
- Everyone is expected to be on time (7:15pm - 7:30pm server time/EST). If you are unable to attend or will be late to raid, please let an officer know. We understand that emergencies happen, but it is expected that you will message an officer on Discord/BattleNet as soon as possible if you are unable to attend or will be late.
- Have a working microphone and be open to calling out specific mechanics if you are assigned a certain task. Mechanics > Parsing. We expect all raiders to perform mechanics, but mistakes happen. Maximizing parses is for farm content, not progression content.
- During Progression - there will be time where you may be asked to sit for a boss or for a night. We will not tolerate any backlash or being salty. We make decisions based on the best interest of the guild and for progression purposes. It is nothing personal - Do not take it as so.
We are a mature team of 21+. We are not interested in players who lack sportsmanship and respect. We are not interested in players who don’t understand the concept of being a part of a team. We are not interested in players who aren’t willing to do their own research, learn, and improve outside of raid. We are not interested in players who are unable or unwilling to accept constructive criticism during or outside of the raid hours. We are not interested in players who aren’t willing to commit to the guild, grow and evolve with us.
Does all this sound good to you?! Contact me below
Discord - Draftbrew#3404