[H] Hideout - 5/8H 8/8N LoU 8/8H NP 5hr AOTC+ Recruiting Ranged DPS

Good morning bump! Queen down! Looking for 1-2 solid healers :slight_smile:

Bump! Looking for Pres Evoker or Restoration Druid!

Lunch time bump!

Afternoon! Bump!

Early morning bump!

Lunch time bump!

Bump! Looking for some pumpers :wink:

Evening bump

If you could use. Healer lmk. Im only 7/8 heroic, guild stopped raiding :frowning:
Mistweaver here. Disc is jolts1389

Added you! Good morning bump :slight_smile:

Bump! Come join our awesome family of friends:)

Lunch time bump!

Good morning bump!

Bump! Looking for another Mage!

Bump! Come kill spiders with our family! Need a mage!

Updated! Looking for a solid mage!

Afternoon Bump!

Good morning bump

Bump! I know there’s a mage out there! :wink:

Afternoon bump! Come join our family :smiley: