[H - Herod - Loot Council - Weekend Raiding] <You Think You Do>

28 more days!!!

27 days! So close to launch!

Would love some caster DPS!

Progression Tanks are set and g2g. Always would love more healers & DPS!

24 days!!!

23 days!!!

almost here!

Sounds good brotha! saving post :slight_smile:

Sounds like a good guild. Raided in TBC and just jumped back in to play classic. Been wanting to play horde and weekend raiding is what I’ve been looking for (work/kids/RL). Planned on starting with hunter, do to easier leveling since I can only play 2-3 hours a day during the week.

Sounds awesome. Glad to have you aboard!

We also just got a new logo & wallpaper for the discord & our guild YT Page, they look really fantastic!

19 days! Servers to be revealed soon & our names reserved on Monday!

So stoked for classic!

18 days!!!

17 days!!!

16 days!!!

For the horde!

I am planning on rolling a lock. I can raid Fri and sat. I’ve cleared all of MC, Onyxia, BWL, ZG, AQ 20-40, Naxx up to the four horse men. My discord is Lord Bael#8392

We’ve decided we will be playing on the PVP East Coast Realm of Herod! Hope to see you all there with us. :slight_smile:

Reboot of the century right here.

Are recruitment class needs still up to date, if so I would be interested in applying as a Resto Druid.