Hi friends, ive been playing retail… im bored of it. Just doesnt have that good feeling anymore. Played hardcore back when that first started, enjoyed my time there, but it would be alot more fun with a group of people to chat with and group with regularly.
Would love to get some hardcore vets and those curious, all experiences valid. Would be fun to maybe learn a few things from those more experienced and pass my experiences along to some newer folks, to help anyone and everyone enjoy the world of hardcore.
Long story short, tldr i want to make a guild on horde fresh hardcore server of people who like to chat. Be in discord, guild chat ect. Casual oriented we wont be min maxing hard pushing content as it comes out, just a social guild to hang out with and a place to find a group with for some HC dungeons.
A place where a friend dies and you see a spam of “F” in gchat as you move to the afterlife.
A place where there is no judgement because you play the “lesser” spec because our goal is to all have fun and hang out.
Anyways im just a bitter vet of wow that enjoyed the big community that i had as a guild 20 years ago in original wow and would love to get a cool place for that to flourish again.
If any one is interested in helping build said community please do reply here, or add me on bnet or discord!
Do note that it is me and like a couple other friends looking to start building this, and it will require a bit of effort from everyone involved to get this thing off the ground.
But lets make something cool together!!!
Tanatithe#1976 bnet
Tanatithe on discord
Side note, would be cool as heck to get a group to go do raids as a guild. Have guild meetings and “events” scheduled and grow ourselves into something cool.
Its hard to compete with all the streamer communities and get out there, so this is my attempt at trying to start something how i would of back in classic.
No drama, no shame, only playing a cool game together and seeing where it goes making friends along the way.
Cheers if you made it this far through my ramblings.