[H] <Goomz> - 2-Night Mythic Guild LF Core Tank for 8.3!

Priests, Warlocks and Hunters, lend me your ears. Where art thou?

I really wanted to run with you guys, but can’t start till 8 for the next 5 weeks :frowning:

Hey Gothicreaper - if its only temporary for a few weeks, we can make it work if you can’t be on until about 8. Add my battletag again and we can chat :slight_smile:


Hey are u still needing more…play ele/resto and enhance lol

Hi Madmira, could still use a good Elemental Shaman. Hit me up.

Need more good DPS.

2/8H after first night in EP.

DPS come at us. 3/8H, 5/8N.

Still after DPS.

4/8H, 5/8N. After strong reliable DPS who know their class!

We’re now 6/8H, 6/8N.

also some more mythic plus people would be welcome


Stil after DPS. Ranged Pref.

hey guys, would you consider another shadow priest? currently 423 ilvl with a 55 neck, 7/8N but only 3/8H. Also i knock off work early some days and would love a team to do a fair bit of mythic plus with. Also looking to progress into some Mythic Raiding at some point if that is on your timeline I’d love to join

Shadow Priests are strong currently. 423 with 55 neck is a reasonable level to be at for where we currently are.

Add me at Krimsonmyst#1273. So long as our times suit your availability I’d love to run you through a trial. We have plenty of folks on fairly regularly for M+.

Looking for one or two more ranged DPS. Another Warlock and Moonkin would be great.

Heroic Za’qul to 34%

After 1x Warlock & a Rogue.

Now 8/8N and 7/8H!

If you’re at least Neck 55, can pull 25k+ and know your class well, drop us a line!