[H] <Fair Enough> 8/8M, 9/9M LF DPS for 8.2

Looking for healer and a couple ranged dps. Possibly an experienced tank

Recruiting all dps and heals. Full on demon hunters and holy paladins.

Bumping for ranged dps!

Bumping for ranged dps and a resto shaman!

Ophiliah, I added your BT! Would like to talk with you!

Still looking for ranged and a resto shaman or resto Druid!

Roster is quite stable but we have some swaps we want to do. Able to look for a tank, some ranged dps and maybe a healer.

Bumping for a couple more competent players!

Looking for a couple heals and ranged dps!

Hey! I recently started playing BFA(burned out pugging in legion) with intent of coming back to get cutting edge. Point blank I know its not a great time to return due to how deep most guilds are into the raid tier. Iā€™m having to learn fights that people have already progressed on, in addition im playing catch up. You said you have socials and alt nights. Iā€™m already 402 ilvl with aotc so i could join on alt heroic nights and focus on catching up in M+ until the next raid tier(still learning all the m+ pulls and strats for BFA, would love to have people to run with). If i get to fill in here or there in raid until then, that would be a welcomed bonus! For reference i was 6/11m in antorus, just pugging around not really able to find a home.

Bumping for ranged and heals!

Close to a Mekka kill!

Looking for more ranged and heals!

Bumping for ranged and heals!

Looking for a couple ranged and a resto shaman or disc priest!

Easter bumps!

Looking for a deeps warrior and ranged dps!

Still looking for ranged and heals!

Still looking!

Bumping for competent raiders!