[H] <Exodus> (est. 06) | PAID XFER! | 8/8 BWL | H Priest/1 DPS

so how about those saints!?

Merry Christmas!

eagles > saints
trolls > pandas
fox people > rev

also pls give decent rogues thanks

There is no such thing as a decent rogue.

eagles>saints? u wanna give me some of that stuff your on fen because ur not right in the head…lol

So how was everyones Christmas?

:kissing: :relaxed: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :thinking: :zipper_mouth_face: :pensive:

cath did u get what u wanted for christmas?

socks for fecal socking, yes

i hope rev got panda droppings for xmas

wildside madolen sigiriya revilation what do they have in common? they like watching fox people adult videos.

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :hugs: :money_mouth_face:

that might be the dumbest post i have ever read

**[quote=“Sigiriya-shadow-council, post:34, topic:391702, full:true”]
that might be the dumbest post i have ever read

emphasized text**

Deep Fried

rev why do you watch furry videos

Chicken Fingers

Are not ac

Today when