[H] <Ex Inferno> 1/10M, 10/10H, Wed/Fri (Team Pink) LF RANGED DPS

Looking for a full time healer, Monk or Pally preferred.

Have room for another 2 or 3 DPS (Boomkin, Kitty, DK, Shaman).

Looking for another Ranged DPS or 2 to round out our roster.

Looking for a Healer, Druid, Priest of Pally preferred. Could use 1 or 2 ranged DPS to fill out our roster as well.

Looking for a Full Time Healer, contact me on Discord, Bo#0122

Looking for a full time Healer, Rogue and Boomkin. Discord Bo#0122.

Currently looking for a full time healer and 1 or 2 more DPS to round out our team.

Looking for a Healer, Pally or Druid preferred.

We could use A DPS or two as well, Rogue, Pally, Boomkin or Hunter.

LF Healer, Pally, Priest, Monk or Druid.

Looking for another 2 or 3 dps to fill out our roster. Prefer: MDPs - Rogue, Pally, Feral. RDPS - Mage, Shaman, Boomkin. Other classes will be considered.

Holy Priest or Holy Pally would be considered as well.

LF ranged DPS: Mage, Boomkin, Shaman

I play all 3 pally specs and my 5 man team is guildless atm hpriest, ret, uh dk, and frost mage

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Message me on Discord this evening, I get home from work at 5PM server, Bo#0122.

Still looking for a full time healer (Pally, Priest, Monk) and ranged DPS (Mage, Boomkin, Shaman).

I can still heal Wed and fri. I got removed from the pink discord

Priest pally or sham

I’m 6/10h 10/10N

Still looking for some Ranged DPS, any class welcome, especially Mage, Boomkin and Shaman.

LF Ranged DPS: Mage, Boomkin, Shaman, Hunter, Priest, Lock… let’s talk!

Would like 2 more ranged DPS to fill out our 25 person roster, all ranged classes welcome to apply.

Looking to add 1 more healer to the team, Druid, Monk or Pally.

We have room for 1 or 2 more ranged DPS, all classes considered, Mage/Boomkin preferred.

Looking for 1 or 2 more Ranged DPS to round out the team.

Looking for a ranged DPS that can crush the DPS charts.