[H] <Evolved> Whitemane - PvP 18+ Accomplished Casual Gaming Community

Looking for a community? Somewhere to call home??? a place that plays more then one game???

Evolved is the place for you. Come check out our website at www. evolvedgaming .org. Take a peak around. If you like what you see then just register.


Active Classic guild, friendly people that have been gaming together for a long time.

Come check us out, thanks!
Www. Evolvedgaming .org


Come join our awesome team. Lots of friendly and helpful people. It is a great place to be.


The great thing about a community is that there is always room for growth. That growth comes from our members wanting more. More games means more members that are brought into our growing community. With all the games we play currently we should have what your looking for…

Come check out www. evolvedgaming .org

Check out our website. if you like what we have to offer then register and you can be apart of something more then just a one game guild…


If you are looking for an online family/community that just keeps growing and getting better and better, check out Evolved! We have members from various places/time zones all coming together to play different games and be part of the Evolved Community! We offer guilds for both factions in retail and Classic and are having a blast just playing and exploring the game together!


Our guild for Classic Horde continues to grow. We have people at all level ranges and there is sure to be someone you can run dungeons with or get quests done with. Come join our great team. Lots of friendly helpful people.


We just had our first Evolved Community Game Night and played some trivia, hung out, got to know some people from other Evolved games, and just had a great time. Looking forward to planning the next event. If you are looking for a community that is more than just people playing the same game, check out Evolved! We have an active community and our members really enjoy just being together and having fun!

Come be part of this amazing, growing community! Make some new friends, have some great times! We have a Classic guild on the Alliance side on Pagle, our growing Whitemane Horde guild, as well as both Alliance and Horde on Retail. Plenty of options for your WoW fun!

Come check out www. evolvedgaming .org for more information!

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New member here! I am so honored to be a part of this guild. Everyone seems to be very kind and I can’t wait to play more with you guys :smiley:

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Great Community, With Great People. Come be apart of a very active/Social community. With our many games that we offer im sure there is always something to do…

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Not just a Classic guild full of good people, but a great gaming community as well! Come see what we’re all about. :grinning: evolvedgaming .org

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Always looking for some more friends to fill up our community. Come check it out


More people are getting to 60 and we will be starting to run end game dungeons/attunements. Come gear up with great people and have a laugh while doing it!

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Having a blast grinding up to 60 and always looking for more folks to join the fun! We’re not just a Classic guild full of good people, but a great gaming community as well! Come see what the Evolved community is all about. :grinning: evolvedgaming .org

Have questions? Ask away!

Always looking for new friends to join our community… Check out our website and see if we have what your looking for…

I have had more fun leveling with this guild and meeting everyone on Discord and in guild chat. They are just hilarious! If you are looking for a fun and helpful guild, this is the one!

Hope everyone has checked out the Blizz con virtual ticket and is excited to hear what is coming up for our next what we hope is a Xpack next year.

If your looking for a great community filled with lots of different games we have to offer as well as our huge membership player base come check us out.

As we get more people to 60 and start running more end game dungeons, now is a great time to see what our community is all about and gear up together. Feel free to add me on battlenet and ask any questions you may need answered. Weeman#1910

We’re still recruiting! Great group to join.

With blizz con going on our community has been gaining some new members with lots of different hypes for wow… diablo and over watch. Make sure you have a good community like ours that does more then just play wow. Check out our website for more details and the different games we have to offer…

Gearing up for phase 2 PvP shenanigans. Come punt some gnomes with us!