[H][EST][Stalagg] - Shadow Priest LF Guild

About me:
I’m an old fart that played vanilla 20 to 35+ hrs/week and stayed pretty consistent with expansions until rogues started to get self-heals and pandas starting running around.

I’ve done MC/BWL/Ony/Naxx/ZG… and a few AQ40 fights in the past. I’d say my skill level was/is ‘pretty decent’. These days with all the youtube videos I imagine the learning curve for raids to clear will be easier.

I’ll be on point with the consumables (I see you demonic ruins and nightfin soup), show up on time, low drama impact.

I enjoy PVP and I’ll be looking to hit at least rank 10, and looking for consistent players for premades.

I plan on healing 5mans while leveling and would love to find a mage or warlock to level with; aoe grind even.

I’m open to the idea of going holy for raids, especially in Phase 1. Maybe by Phase 3 when premades start to happen I’ll be rich enough to afford respecs from shadow to holy for pvp to pve.

Thanks for your consideration

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Hey, best of luck on the new server!
I’m definitely interested to see how that goes, and I hope the population is high!

Thanks. Its my guess blizzard will fill up and open up several more before launch… but who knows.

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I certainly hope so!
It looks as though Herod is going to be absolutely swamped!