[H] <Envy> 2 Day Guild T/TH | 7/8M

awww man this guy is so nice he sounds like a preservation evoker

Sometimes im a Hunter of fun. I always find it in Envy

I heard you guys are 8/8 heroic and 2/8 mythic with 14% on Terros?

yeah I think we’re looking for 1 healer now?

We need a shadow priest pretty bad to feed me PI’s.

Any good healers out there?

Wow, these guys are SOOOO good. heard they killed Dathia in like 64 pulls.

looking for specific range!

Ya boi need some healers!

looking for some dedicated range dps

I did mostly rogue in S1, AOTC, 2600 io - but haven’t had a guild that raided at quite the level you guys are at. I would like to. gearing up Hpal for S2 - I ran Hpal in shadowlands - but haven’t healed Raid historically (vs M+). Again, would like to. Would ya’ll be interested in a chat?

Looking for dedicated Hunter for our Roster in 10.1