[H] Ele sham LF Tues/wed tbc raiding guild

I’ve played wow consistently since vanilla and mained an ele sham in tbc. I’m looking to do it again. Right now I have a 60 lock and rogue and I’m currently leveling my shaman in preparation for launch. I’m also planning on leveling a pally during prepatch and boosting a druid. I’m on Fairbanks but I’m willing to server transfer for guilds that raid Tuesday and Wednesday. Please let me know if you need my totems!


Titans is a newly formed Horde guild on the PvP server Bigglesworth that is gearing up to raid in TBC Classic! We are a late night guild with raid times of Tues/Wed 10:30pm-1:30am PST.

Our goal is to clear content quickly while having a fun time doing so! We strive to maintain a positive raiding atmosphere without any toxicity and drama.

We do want to make sure that everyone is on the same page so that we can all dive into raid as prepared as possible. In TBC, this means keeping up on leveling, dungeon gearing, reputations, and attunements. We will certainly help each other get through all of the various challenges but each individual person does have to put in their own time in order to progress.

Some of us have played Classic from the start while others have recently switched over from retail. We all know how hard it can be to find a late night community to enjoy the game with so it is always great when a new member joins our guild!

Feel free to message me on either Bnet or Discord if you are interested!:

Bnet: Bamboroo#1689
Discord: Jakinto#4028

We have an immediate spot for a skilled/experienced Ele sham. Check us out and see if we’re a fit, drop an app if interested.