[h] EGH sat/sun 8pm-11pm est 2/2h 3/9m weekend (6 hours) Lf Tank and DPS!

<Earth Go Hard> 2/2H, 9/9H, 3/9M is recruiting for a weekend raiding guild on the US - Mal’Ganis server. We’re currently progressing on mythic Opulence!

Earth Go Hard was originally formed on the Burning Legion server during T14 dubbed as Eon, and during T17 was raiding 9 hours and achieved server first as well as top 200 US. We’ve maintained the same tight-knit officer core and look forward to adding to our roster this expansion.

Raid times are Saturday and Sunday 8pm EST to 11pm EST. We have achieved AOTC every tier we’ve been relevant. Our goal is cutting edge. We don’t play for 6 hours and expect to waste time. Our players are all at the top of their game and I expect you to be as well. Everyone will make a mistake at some point, but how you fix it defines you and we’re looking for players that not only take pride in pulling good numbers but also execute mechanics flawlessly.

For players that pass the trial in heroic and parse at the 85th percentile or higher we are more happy to offer a paid transfer. More details can be disclosed once we’re in contact.

The guild will be providing feasts and cauldrons. You’re expected to bring your own potions and personal food in case you miss a feast etc. Augment runes are not required but recommended.

Currently we’re recruiting the following:

Shadow Priest

If your class isn’t listed here fear not! We’re looking for all exceptional players that like the consistency of our times and relaxed schedule.

We’re not actively recruiting tanks or healers, but don’t be afraid to add me and inquire as we have many skilled players that play multiple roles.

We now have an automated application process! Apply Here:

If you have any further questions feel free to reach out to the following:

Gliroot: Bassanox24#1232 - Recruitment Officer

Murrik: EMG#11389 - GM

Enjoy the rest of your day, and happy searching!

Still looking for interested players.

Start your week off right guys! Mondays may suck but joining EGH doesn’t!

I hear you guys are super hawt!

I heard you’re looking for warriors.

Lil Dicky approved. Niccom gonna raid with us? Ayee

What about underleveled characters?

I mean, shadow is kinda strong rn so…

Good bump for good group of guys

Happy patch day! Celebrate by trailing with us on Saturday!

You’re now the inferior troll race.

Earth Go Hard still looking for a few dps recruits! Also, Troll is best troll.

I mean, if you want to call yourself outdated… Sure

We have room for one more trial this weekend! First come first serve!

Top quality bants

What’s a bant?

You olddddd.

We have one spot open for a trial tomorrow! Would like another strong dps, ranged or melee is fine! We need strong parses!

I’m up! Add me! Let’s talk.

Still looking for players.