[H/A] <Duskwatch Saberguard> RP guild - Unity through Order!

So glad you came out to get a saber kitten! The paw tabard is always waiting for you if you decide you want to be an ethereal catalryman. :joy: :purple_heart:


Heck yes! Go Team Saber!

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Monster in the Dark

The Saberguard were on duty in Shal’aran when they were suddenly approached by an unfamiliar Shal’dorei. Greetings were exchanged but his sudden presence and the fact that he had been sent to find the Saberguard in particular had the group on edge.

His request: travel with him back to Suramar and speak with his friends who had quite the story to tell about monsters in the woods.

The unit agreed and escorted the noble back to Suramar. There, on a terrace with arcwine and pastries, they heard a frightening tale of three nobles attempting to go hunting on their own and with no experience. Many eyes were rolled in the telling of the story.

After the story, the unit found the location of the supposed monster and headed out into the forest to take care of the creature themselves. Joining up with the Patrol Captain they tracked the creature in the Crimson Thicket, the same area the unit discovered strange corruption in the leylines and in the withered.

While tracking the creature, the beast suddenly lunged out at them and wounded one of the group before they could finally lock it down and tie it up. The creature was returned to Meredil and placed in an arcane cage where the unit can study it and hopefully reverse the effects of whatever foul magic twisted it.


We will be at the Season’s Exchange Market this Friday! Come out and see us to purchase your very own manasaber plushie!

We will also be at the guild faire in Org on Sunday night to show our colors!

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Would it be possible to /w one of you or DM on discord for a couple of questions? If in game, I would be messaging you on my current character Stolàs :slight_smile:

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Hello! You’re welcome to message me on Discord if you’d like! My tag is Saryrn#9843 if you’d like to add me and I can answer whatever questions you have.

If you’d like to speak with us in game, we’ll be at the Horde Guild Faire tonight in Orgrimmar for some casual walk up RP. It begins at 5 server time and we usually sit on our sabers in order to be easily seen. :purple_heart:

After capturing the strange fox in the Crimson Thicket, the Saberguard kept the creature in a heavily warded cage in Meredil. They gathered with allies to study the fox and to try and figure out if anything could be done to save it.

A few days later, the unit then traveled to Dalaran in order to take part in the Kirin Tor Conclave. Surrounded by allies and some new faces, Loviattar spoke on the strange happenings in Suramar in the hopes of spreading the word that something might be afoot. Not only did they spread the word but the unit was also able to learn about what troubles were affecting their allies around the world.


We had a great turnout for our first special guest appearance at the Lounge night in the Legerdemain! Metal and Wings joined us for some great wings and an awesome metal performance! We packed the house and almost got run out of Dalaran for a noise violation.

If you’re interested in seeing Metal & Wings, they’ll be in Warspear, Ashran this week on March 31st 6 pm!


These are really chill events! Thanks for hosting! Glad to see so many people show up :smiley:

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Things are really ramping up in the guild as we move into our new campaign!

I’m excited to see how things turn out!


A Duskwatch guard leads a group of Satyrs in Val’sharah.

A corrupted root of Shaladrassil has grown into Suramar and plunges into the earth near Falanaar.

Strange whispers put doubts into all those that get close…

The Ascension has begun!

The Duskwatch Saberguard is on the move as we join allies from across the Horde and the Alliance to try and save the Broken Isles from a nameless evil.


Bump! These people are the REAL deal. Friendliest group of people ever, and Lovi works so hard on making the campaigns run smoothly! If you’re in for a good time and a TON of flavor, look no further! :bear: :heart:


Awww Thank you Bramblefang! We love y’all! :purple_heart: I just want everyone to have fun!


I submitted an application a little while ago. :slight_smile:
Hoping everyone had a good easter.


You did! I think we’re playing online tag. :joy_cat: If you are online tonight around 6:00 server to 8:00 server, we will be in Meredil and then riding to Val’sharah. We could get you in!


As an honorary brave of the Duskwatch Saberguard tribe, I approve this guild! To the top with you!!


Awww thank you Bramble! We are honored to have you as an honorary member. Wear that Paw Patrol tabard with pride!


The Paw Patrol showing their colors! (And our honorary member, Bramblefang!)


We need a Paw Patrol styled event where we save a kitten from a tree and help the local animal shelter.


For any interested in joining the Paw Patrol, we have an application thingy! Feel free to fill it out and an officer will get in touch with you!