[H] <Duress> 4/9M 9/9H is recruiting! | 7-10pm CST Tues & Thurs

Mythic gamers, let’s get it yall. Let’s clap some bosses.

What is love… baby don’t hurt me… don’t hurt me… no more…

Who wants to zip zap a boss right between them eyeballs?

It has been one of those nights, hasn’t it… exhausting :expressionless:

Who’s out here trying to get CE with us?

Hi Slayrides,

424 HPriest, I’m currently also doing a mage as well 405. Currently 5/9 H from pugging, new to the game and raiding.


Definitely add our btag, we can chat.

Some may crumble when faced with defeat, but true grit is the passion to find a diaper to push forward through thick and thin.

Experiment squad down.