(H) disc priest LFGuild

Long-time healing priest looking for semi-hc guild, preferably on one of the larger servers like Illidan or Thrall. Raid times 6-9p EST or 7-10p EST during the week.

New to disc, but have been playing a priest since vanilla. I have only pugged 10/10N and 2/10H so CN parses aren’t going to blow you away for now since I’m still working on getting the absorb timings down, but I’ve been a content pusher in the past including 11/12H ICC back in the day.

580-ish IO, 196ilvl. Looking to push heroic content and eventually mythic at a realistic/reasonable pace, two nights a week.

Hey Klush,

We are Arcane Fury on Thrall and we are looking for disc priests for our Friday/Saturday team, kick off time is 9pm eastern until 11, maybe going a wee bit later if we are close to a kill. Team goal is to get AOTC pretty sharpish and move into mythic prog. Raid atmosphere is casual during trash, we like to have a laugh, and focus up when it’s time for a boss to die!

Guild size is decent, between 30 and 50 most nights and we love doing keys so no worries getting groups.

If you’re interested give me a shout, my bnet is yabigchoob#1206


Super small world; One of my best friends from high school is in Arcane Fury lol.

Unfortunately I can’t do raid times that late or on weekends :frowning: Thank you for the reply though.

Too bad, hope you find a good spot!

Would love to talk! Just add one of the tags in our post if you’re interested.


Added louzar on disc; Will chat with him whenever we’re both available. Thanks!

Lizard Wizards is a newly formed guild with the aim of creating a Mythic raid team composed of intelligent players. Our raid leader has achieved Cutting Edge multiple times and has had prior experience as a raid leader. We are currently only 7/10H due to lack of time and raiders. Raid times are Wed/Thurs with Friday’s being optional from 7-10pm EST. Our main goal is to create a versatile community with events where people can pvp, raid, and just hang out. Anyone is welcome to join!

If you’re interested in joining feel free to add our RL (Dethlaf#3558) on discord.

Add me if you’re still looking Array#1842, we raid Tuesday Thursday 7PM-11PM CST. Really needing a disc priest!


I am from WDBM a horde guild on Illidan and we are recruiting for are second heroic AOTC team. They currently raid 7-10EST Tuesday/Thursday and are 5/10H.

Feel free to follow the instructions to apply on discord using this code: h5yZVMx

App sent in through disc. Thanks

if you are still looking for a guild, we need a disc priest. My discord is Naddy#0912. Reach out to me if you are interested.

Hello Klush!

[Cant find a guild] 10/10 N 3/10 H We are a newly formed guild with the goal of progressing through mythic content at a reasonable pace. We also enjoy pushing mythic+ dungeons as well as some good old PVP. We strive to have a friendly and non-toxic community to include anyone that wants to be included. If you aren’t interested in raiding, mythic+ or PVP, but instead want a place to hang out to enjoy the content feel free to stick around and become a member of our community!

Contact Info:
BNET: Koliupy#1761
Discord: Koliupy#4041

Hey, hit me up on btag to chat, schrades#11566