[H] <Despair> - Thrall 9/12M--12/12H NWC - Tues/Wed/Thurs 8pm-11pm EST IS LOOKING FOR YOUR CLASS FOR CUTTING EDGE PUSH!


guild is almost 13 years old, my favorite number

Come raid with us

GM & Sexual Deviant of Despair here. Worried about your new guild dying? Weve been around since 2007. Worried about the money to sever transfer? We adult well & can help out with that. Come join a group that loves one another & actually cares to listen and help with your real life issues.

DESPAIR is the FAMILY you have been looking for!

Still looking for more to round out our mythic roster

You guys wouldn’t be needing a resto druid and ret pally would ya? :slight_smile:

Good morning


Really need rdps and have a healer slot for rsham or disc priest. If ya have alts :slight_smile:

Good evening

Need your ranged dps

Hello there. We need your RDPS

Reset day, still need some rdps

Bump for more friends!

Good morning

Where are the casters at?!

Your forever home is waiting

I need a shadow friend :frowning:

up up and awaaaaaaaaayyyy

Ranged Casters come forward