(delete please)

Guild disbanded, RIP DE.


Still looking for Amazing DPS for Battle of Dazar’alor :slight_smile:


Looking for a possible healer and a couple dps (high demand for a warlock).


Need more solid dps and a healer still.


Dazar’Alor is less then a week away. If you are looking for a new home to raid in for the upcoming new raid please consider this amazing social, yet semi casual guild. We do plenty of Mythic+ throughout the week as well as achievement runs that we schedule periodically. We are in need of a healer or 2 (NON PALLY) and a couple amazing dps (Warlock in HIGH demand). If you have any questions or are interested in hearing more get at me in game Hellslight#1415 Thanks!


Updated. If anyone out there is interested in our raid times please reach out and check our Wowprogress page for more details.

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The tank you’d be tanking with is pretty good and would let you get a bunch of damage on Rastakhan, do eet

Oh where oh where has our raydiance gone :frowning:

Still looking for Ranged DPS!

I’d even take decent melee at this point.

Ranged would be nice though.

3/8M & still looking for Caster Ranged!!!

Strong ranged > Strong melee > any ranged.

If you are better melee than other melee in the raid feel free to take their raid spot.

Sorry zara and i were removed otherwise we would.

Edit: Actually let me re-phrase after raiding in 8.1 and moving due to IRL issues we talked to guild leads and assured we had a spot still come to find out after sporatic log ins and still keeping in contact by boyfriend and I logged in to see that both of us were removed from both guild and discord. After reaching out to a friend who will remain anonymous stated that after a bad raid night OP raged and had removed both of us along with others.

Emma, I remove anyone from the guild who hits 4/5 months offline. People are always free to comeback if they want to, some do, some don’t, some never log again. I’ve removed lots of people who pretty much quit the game. Since you quit I’ve removed many great raiders who are welcome to comeback if they want to raid again. Players like; Raydiance, Twodots, Fittsmoney. But yeah I removed Zara at 5 months sure, but I never kicked your priest. You left, that was all you. Let’s not lie and play victim here.

You say “assured we had a spot”. Yeah, you still could have comeback, even now probably until this post trying to besmirch a guild that didn’t give you exactly what you wanted.

Tell me; What mythic guild on this server from Teremity at the top all the way down to the newest 1/8M and even aspiring heroic guilds who want to do mythic. Tell me something, in which one of those guilds can you say “Hey! Um…. I’m moving cross country and I’m broke so I won’t be on wow right away and will most likely be gone (your last raid was Apr 9th) 5 months and 4 days. So When I come back to the game you better have a raid spot for me! Cause you promised or something (not only didn’t we not promise it, most mythic guilds won’t/can’t promise it) and it better be a healing spot too cause I heal!

I told you when you asked months ago that we filled your healer spot and you would have to dps. You could have stayed here and dps’d. You had that option. Instead you got angry and just gquit saying absolutely nothing. So yeah, two weeks later I kicked Zara when I normally kick offline people and I kicked your shaman too because you didn’t leave on good terms. You can’t just park alts here especially when you have the potential to be toxic; which proves my point entirely by you making this post.

You said “when I was done with BfDA” but you redacted it. Well, sorry but, you were done because you stopped playing. We needed another healer. We raided twelve more weeks in that tier. What did you expect us to do? “HEY guys! Emma is breaking from the raid tier and moving so let’s just cancel raids and wait 5 months for her to be ready”. Emma, guilds never revolve around one or two players. I know deep down a part of you understands this.

As far as removed from discord, we had hundreds of people on it, many of which haven’t joined it in years. You just gquit on your priest and your BF was at 4 months offline. Seemed safe you weren’t coming back. We removed like 80% of the people on the server; it was getting out of control.

Also “OP RAGED ROARRR” lol that doesn’t even sound like me. I should rage out, it would be kind of funny XD. Yeah no I just remove inactives. I rant sure, I complain sometimes yeah. But full on ROOAARRRR!!! I should try it sometime, it could be funny. I should plan and record it XD. Ask anyone in guild if I kicked one of their alts… I have because I kick inactive stuff. If you aren’t going to play it, I’ll remove it.

P.S. Thanks for the bump :slight_smile:


You tell em kiwi fruit!

Yes i left on my priest because we were told by both you and meril that my healing position was safe from the move as we both only had 1 computer and were getting stuff straight which we were shortly up after 8.2 actually dropped so about a week after raid went live but even on the 2 raids in bfda after the move we were told our spots were safe. So ask me why we would pay for 2 accounts when only 1 could be used. We never wanted to pause the raid for us we simply had a conversation prior to us leaving and stating that hey this is expected in the months leading up. Again i was told my healer spot was reserved prior to moving with an expectation although a bit slow like exactly a week late. So the point of my post is we were BOTH mislead and made to believe that we had our spots protected and we were understood if leadership didnt communicate that was on yall. So in short instead of messaging us on discord to clarify before any removals just to double check we were removed anyways. You know we both have discord attached to our phones so there was no effort to just confirm. We had our lives uprooted but instead of being understanding you went against your word. So i mean you very much undermined any trust. So why would we anyone want to be recruited when you have openly admitted via previous youd rather take new recruits.

TLDR: we regarded you all as family was told we would be fine logged in to see wasnt the case ruined us even wanting to play wow.

Me and Meril? I doubt that meril hardly talks to others, but I never said “hey Emma take 5 months off then come back and get your heal spot”. You made it sound like you would be gone a week or two. Not 5 months… no raiding guild can wait 5 months when they are short healers, especially when they want to do some mythic.

Also you could have still came back and raided, you just would have had to dps. Sometimes if you like a guild you work with it. If I had to go ranged dps for a guild and I liked it enough I’d do it, I’d tank ect. You refused to dps and we already have another healer… You want me to make them go dps for you after they have been healing here 10 weeks in Battle then every week in EP since we’ve started.

“Hey man… so we had this healer, they are coming back, they haven’t played or raided in 5 months and we know you are super awesome one of our best healers but… we need you to go dps”

Yeah, I’m sure that would go over great…

No mythic guild can guarantee you a raid spot after 5 months of leaving the game. Hell really good mythic guilds don’t guarantee raid spots to people ever even if they are there every night. Demanding a healing spot after 5 months of being gone… jeez, we didn’t mislead or promise anything. If anything you misled us because you made it seem like you’d be moving and be online in two or three weeks. And in that time… nothing… you showed up two weeks into EP asked about a heal spot. Your lives uprooted, Look it’s not your fault you had a rough real life time these past 5 months, but it’s not my fault either ta ta.

If you really liked wow you will find a new guild, have a clean slate. Do w/e they need ect.

Emma, we’ve only been patient with you. We even let you die to BGRBG like 22/23 times and let it slide because we are nice. We even were going to carry you guys through EP if you ever wanted to start raiding again. Instead you attack us… that’s fine. All you had to say was “hey guys we’re back, reinvite us, oh I need to dps, ok sure I guess” and Done. Instead you come here… do this… and now you can’t come back :frowning:

P.S. Learn to heal monk tanks better.


Its BOD you damned degenerates not bfda.