(H) <<Conflicted>> 6/8H 5/9M Weekday group LFM!

Can’t sleep add me?

Love to see More Ranged dps

Not someone who can commit every week? A mythic team always needs a bench! Chat with one of our recruitment officers so see if we can work something out!

Looking for both Core dps spots and bend raiders

Weekend group running heroic trial on Saturday at 8pm est. Top 20 players get first crack at mythic. Opulence is at 24% so we anticipate a kill this weekend.

Heard you guys need a hpally confirm deny?

Come talk to us! We need rogues!

We also need a lock

Maybe a hunter!

Now 4/9M and still looking for raiders and a bench. Add me if your interested.

Ohhhh that 4/9M doe!

Multiple personality disorder over here

Still looking for friends to join us on Saturday and Sunday.

Looking for ranged dps for saturday and sunday

Weekday group needs some of those RDPS folk :slight_smile:

5/9M now! Amazing work, weekday team!

we’re planning to dethrone the king

Still looking for weekday raiders. Pst me if interested

Come trial for us! :smiley:

we are still lookin for people for 8.2!