[H] Cinder and Ash - Mal'ganis (7/10M) Fri/Sat 7-10 Central

Kael down 4/10m

Moxie almost down; lfm ranged & heals

5/10m; a few spots open

looking to fill a few spots.

6/10m; looking for heals

still open to friendly faces

updated needs

needs updated

Still looking for rdps? Killed sire with my current guild but due to RL stuff need to look for a fri/sat guild on malganis already. Killed sire on my priest but looking to play mage now. 220 atm on mage. Hazuna#1476 is bnet

I sent you a btag request :slight_smile:

open to dps

are you guys still recruiting for mythic prog? I’m a 222-225 ele/resto shaman and i have a 222+ ww monk buddy. were looking for a Fri/sat night guild to prog with/continue into future tiers with.

We are still looking! Please reach out. :slight_smile:

Discord (preferred, faster response): Ember#2528
BTAG: Ember#1670

needs up to date

spots still open

recruiting for 9.1

open healer spot

still looking for a hpal or rsham

needs updated 5/10h 10/10n

Recruiting open again. Needs and progress updated.