[H] <Casual Nonsense> Recruiting DPS! 2/10 M

Not sure what’s up with my guild name. I’m in Casual Nonsense. Apply today!

Still recruiting DPS, apply now (and vote!)

Apply now - Heroic Ny’alotha to practice rotations/such tomorrow night!

Still recruiting DPS! Join today!

Take advantage of the free weekend starting today, apply now!

Apply today for a free invite

Still have a DPS slot or two open

I like demon hunters :slight_smile:

Also ranged DPS!

Recruiting a DPS and healer for main raid spots, apply today!

Full on hunters, apply today!

LF a healer

LF 1 Healer and a DPS or two

Im willing to join yall and try some CE raiding this expac. BUT, IDK what to roll. What do you all need most?

Looking for 1 or 2 more dps

Apply today for some heroic dungeon spam!

<3 dungeons!

Still looking for DPS!

<3 ranged dps!

Join now - raid starts this week!