[H] Calamitous Intent and [A] Reborn of Dalaran 8/8N 3/8H LFM Semi HC DPS/Heals

My Kingdom for a Hunter. How did we go from like 8 to 1.

keeping things short and sweet holy priest here.
OG playing sense release, 2400 pvper, top .1% imo, and have a history of playing meta before the tubers figure it out… direct and concise coms, ran my last guild healing group.
also I’m a 36yr old, mountain man living in a Alaska who day time job is watching radar from Russians
DaveC#2899 Bnet
DaveC#8149 discord

371 GS finding a nice M+ community would be sweet

Up. Had some mild confusion about our healing roster, apologies to the priests. It’s an R Droof We’re after! We’re 2/8 H after week one. And would love for a mage or hunter to come play.

Still looking for more people to join us!

Please come throw me heals… I can’t feint harder…

3/8H, I need me a hunterrrrr.

I’ve heard that Neph likes it when you run to her with Thundering as soon as possible.

Are you still looking for Hunters?