[H] <Cairdeas Nua> 6/12M - LFM DPS - 6HR W/TH 8:30pm-11:30pm EST

where are all the windwalkers at


Bumping because why not


I am a WW-monk that is looking for a raiding team.
I am a returning raider from a hiatus and would be interested in joining your team but I may be a bit too low for mythic raiding. (ilvl 440ish)

Let me know in game if you are still looking :slight_smile:



Bumping on a saturday

Come be stuck inside with us

LF WW Monk, can i get a “fist” bump? :mask:

bumping on reset day

bump on Wednesday

bump on Thursday

weekend bumpin!

Bumping for fun

Bumps on monday at work

reset day bumpski

bumpin on raid night

Whatcha gonna do with all those bumps
All those bumps inside my trunk

my lovely lady bumps

Bumps on a raid day