[H] <By Design> 3/10M, 10/10H 8:30 - 11:30pm EST T/W/TH LF Mythic Raiders

Looking for Unholy DKs and Spriest with Disc OS!

Join now, raid next week!

A few spots left!

Still looking!

Still looking for more.

Raid Tuesday, still room for DPS!

Bumping for a resto shaman!

Still looking, message us for a spot in raid tomorrow!

Raiding tonight!

Raid Tonight, room for an Rshaman and Hunter!

Looking for an Rshaman/Rdruid and Ranged DPS!

Still looking for a resto shaman and some dps!

Rshaman please?

Recruiting exceptional Ranged DPS for Mythic progression!

Looking for dps to push further into mythic!

Weekend bump

Recruiting solid DPS!

Where are all the dps at??

Rdps and uh dk please?

Free PI for any Unholy DK