[H] BM Hunter LF raiding guild

I’m looking for a progression raiding guild that has plans moving forward into Shadowlands and hosts ideally 2 raids throughout the weekday evenings that fall within 3pm and 8pm PST.
I am a returning player after a few months away and still catching up on Corruption, gear and Ny’A content so ideally the guild would be currently doing Heroic and or starting Mythic content.
I have a good good grasp of my class, always come prepared and am open to constructive criticism or learning new methods.
The ideal guild would have like minded individuals that enjoy a consistent raiding schedule with progression in mind but with a patient and fun attitude.
Thanks for your consideration!

Full intention to server transfer once finding said guild.

HI Schism
If you don’t mind an EST server our times may align,
< Do Not Release> [H] on Bleeding Hollow is recruiting for our new mythic team! We are a two night, mythic raiding guild
Raid Times: Wednesday and Friday- 07:00PM EST to 10:00PM EST.
Come prepared to raid with anything you may need for the night, and arrive 15 min early. Food, flask, repairs and enchants are provided as needed once trial period is over.
We have been around since BC, with some having been around since vanilla. For the first couple tiers, we were primarily focused on AoTC achievement. This tier, we began to make the transition to a CE focused guild. and prepare for Shadowlands. We like to think we are a very unique guild, that labels themselves more as a community.
Our members all joke around, and have fun both in raid and out. Many of us play multiple other games together on off nights, as well as pushing M+. For this reason, we look for good fits to join our community.
Would love to chat a little more with you and see if we are a good match!
Recruitment Officer: Vegaobscura#1750 BNET
Discord: Vega#5686

Hey man it sounds like your in the same boat as us.
add my btag buttercup#1858

Hello there! We’re always looking for more dps to join our raid team! Check us out at 9/12M, Tue/Wed 8:00-11:00 CST. Mythic Raiding Guild, LF DPS

Feel free to contact us any time. Thanks!
(SwankyOrc#110857 bnet / Swankyorc#7838 Discord)
(Aimee#1121 bnet / Aimee#0573 Discord)

Hey there! I think we might be exactly what you’re looking for belated in your post! I’d love to chat some more when you have a chance! Here’s our info for you as well!

Divine Minds is located on US Illidian Horde Side.

We are currently recruiting for our core mythic raid team.

We are 12/12H and with one night in mythic are 2/12M in just 3 weeks of raiding.

We raid two days a week - Wednesday and Friday 7PM-11PM EST.

Our highest needs are the following:

Ranged DPS - hunter, elemental shaman, balance Druid

Healers - holy pally, resto shaman, MW monk

Melee DPS - WW monk, Ret pally, rogue, enhancement shaman

Our goal is to push heroic content for AoTC and step into mythic and continue to progress as far into mythic content every tier.

we continuously run Mythic plus’ to help gear each other on off nights.

Casuals and Newer players are welcome as well!

We have started to discuss a pvp team as well for off nights as an additional perk to joining our guild!

If a guild like this interests you, please add me at Defusionz#1271.

not sure how important end time is for you

Cupcakes and BDSM is now recruiting to fill our raid slots on Thrall (Horde)

(Tanks, heals and ranged dps preferred but all are welcome)

Raid Times/Days: Wednesday/Thursday 10pm - 1am (EST)

Recruitment Contacts: Discord -




About us - Mature guild looking for anyone who wants to play the current content in a chill environment. We want to have fun getting to know each other, grow our community, make friends, while pushing the current content. Our goal is to build a community of tight knit guildies to build a foundation to push Mythic content in Shadowlands.

We run keys, old content, WQ together, we pretty much do everything the game offers and have fun. We also hold guild events for awards.

New and verteran players are welcome as well. We level, dungeon, help gear and just have fun. Any questions, feel free to send a PM.