[H] - Bleeding Hollow <Kinda Sus> 1/10M | 10/10H Weekend LFM DPS/OS Heals for Mythic

Bumpy lumps

Lumps of bumps

Bumping this

Bump the things to bump

What goes bump in the night?

You go bump

Still LF Raiders for trials/spots

Stilling bumpin

bumps for the homies

yes bumps plz

Still LF DPS and healer

Manyshapes is drunk, so Iā€™m bumping tonight.

No, no bumps

Still looking for nerds to kill pixel dragons

8/10 bumps. 10/10 tonight

My bumps bring all the boys to the yard

Still recruiting sus dudes/dudettes!

Lf heals and dps, where the paladins at

Need some holy molly

Need some bump