<Bizarro> (now on Barthilas) is recruiting skilled and dedicated raiders for Mythic Battle of Dazar’alor. Bizarro was established during Vanilla and has remained one of a small handful of top-end raid-focused guilds on Khaz’goroth (our old server).

(19/03/2019) Current 20man average ilvl: 410

We are currently recruiting a tank and any high end caster dps, but all exceptional applicants will be considered.

During raids we provide Feasts, Flasks and Vantus Runes.

Suitable applicants will be able to demonstrate the following:
- Reliable computer and internet connection
- Availability for all raids
- Raid ready gear (able to do M+ in own time and N/H raids if we are progressing in M) with appropriate enchants, gems and enhancements
- Regular review of guild discord for news and raiding information
- Patience during the trial period while your suitability is tested - you may not get a starting spot in the raid on every night
- Sense of humour and thick skin

Our core 20 man raid week is (all times are server time, AEST + DLS, Sydney):
Wed 7:45 - 11:00pm
Sun 7:45 - 11:00pm
Mon 7:45 - 11:00pm

We also do alt and social raids on other days

Looking to fill out the roster a little more for BOD enquire within!

new server, new raid, come at us

1 week before BOD opens get in beforehand to solidify positions.

Bump, looking to fill a few more spots before Battle.

Just a few spots left.

Looking for warrior/monk tank; shaman/priest/paladin healer; warlock, but all exceptional applicants will be considered

Bbump - still looking for tanks and healers to bolster our ranks

gogo 6H with only 2 nights in heroic after a warrior and some tanks

Bump for warrior and mage

we are after a good and experienced mythic raid tank and a mage :slight_smile:

Looking for good tanks and ranged for mythic!!

would be happy to accept a small group of friends or a couple dps, tank and a heals to help reinforce the numbers with holiday period looming

just curious if you guys recruit members for mythic + or not, my old guild has stopped raiding and isn’t very active so i don’t really have any logs that i can provide.