H BIS Druid Tank/Kitty and Rank 14 warrior looking for new home

Both of us are high parsing, high attendance competitive players. We are looking for a like minded guild on an unlocked server.

Discord: cupa#3520

If you are a looking for a daytime guild we have open spots that could accommodate you both


Fury is a new semi-hardcore guild on Skeram with an obsession towards high performance, and playing competitively. We want players that will calibrate towards weekly progression, and clear content. Aegis is very competitive, and we lean towards cleaner, and faster boss kills, that leads to a strong foundation and core group of members that want to progress.

Aegis is recruiting players of all classes for core raider positions. We offer a competitive raid environment that enables our players to perform to their maximum ability.

Would love a chance to talk to you.

8/8 BWL 10/10 MC, ramping up for AQ40 progression. Just looking to clear content, and have fun with some cool people.

Add me on Discord: Mizu#1309


Exodus is a highly organized, experienced and cohesive team looking for 2 more melee. Formed back in 2006, we pride ourselves on having a good server rep while valuing skill, knowledge, dedication, discipline, and shun immature elitism. That said, we speed clear MC and were 8/8 BWL the first week it was released. Many of our own parse very highly, coming to raid with WBs is encouraged, and the ability to handle constructive criticism and be a team player is required.

Our raid nights are Monday and Tuesday at 8pm Central Time (9 server time) for farm content. Wednesdays may be added on during progression. We are located on Bloodsaild Buccaneers (RP-PVE), a low pop server GREAT for farming and picking up Songflowers.

Exceptional players are encouraged to apply regardless of posted class needs.

You can reach me on discord at Rob/Ghoretank#7391