[H] Barthilas <XYZ> (mostly SG/MY) is recruiting! | GMT+8 | 5/10M 10/10H SoD, 8/10M CN | 2nights

still looking for more

bump, looking for more

2/10 still lfm

still looking for more!

10/10h 3/10m looking for more!

still looking for 4th healer

come join this fun group of raiders!

still looking for 1 more core healer

still looking for:

  • 1x core healer
  • 1x rdps

core healer where are you

still looking for healer

updated, still looking for core healer and some dps

Hi Guys, just helping my SG/MY friends to bump the post.

thank you for the bump kind sir :slight_smile: